Thursday, 1 March 2012

February Review / March Things

February I was in recovery mode. Not much got done! The changes were subtle and hardly noticeable. But I can feel more coming up on the horizon.
So how did I do for my February Things To Do?:

* Finish the 2nd Top Secret Project. (CREATE)
This involved weaving in a huge number of ends, and I hate weaving in ends with a passion! I'm over half-way through that step now, so it won't be long to go. I'll definitely get this project finished by the deadline.
.... Part Done!

* Collate potential baby projects and start one. (CREATE)
It took quite a few nights in front of the TV, but I finally went through all my craft pattern books, booklets, pamphlets and sheets; and compiled a list of projects. I'm currently in the process of transcribing that list onto my Listography page so I can access it from either home or work. I have quite a few yarns that would be suitable, so I just need to match one up with a project and start it.
.... Part Done!

* Continue to meditate every weekday. (MEDITATE)
I continued my experimentation with meditation apps and podcasts. There are so many free resources out there - it's great! I didn't manage to meditate every single day. Probably about twice a week. I need to find a way of encouraging myself to do it more often, without it seeming like it's becoming a chore. I think I'm doing pretty well, though.
.... Part Done!

* Do exercise of choice once every 3 days. (MOVE)
I'm slowly building up to that one. My new job is still taking up the vast majority of my energy. But slowly, slowly, I'm clawing that energy back. Once that energy is divided up between exercise, craft and all my other interests, there isn't much to go around! I just need to be patient and let it all happen in its own time.
.... Try Harder Next Time ....

* Find previously cancelled projects and throw away/recycle them. (MAINTAIN)
I bit the bullet a couple of weeks ago, got into that craft room and just did it! I cancelled 6 projects, recycling the materials for most of them, and simply just chucking one in the bin as it just couldn't be redeemed. One - a sewn bag with a crocheted insert panel - I had forgotten how nice it was (kudos to me!), so I'm keeping it. Two, I want to finish in the long term, but not soon, so perhaps I need to create a new category for them? Either way, this Thing was done!
.... Done!

Autumn leaves -Yoshino OKUSENBON-
I love autumn! It's my favourite season!

Now for March's Things:

* Complete a small baby project. (CREATE)
* Finish body of Tomten Baby Jacket. (CREATE)
* Write in my Happiness Diary every night. (MEDITATE)
* Walk at lunch time, twice a week. (MOVE)
* Repair and/or alter all clothes that need it. (MAINTAIN)

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