101 Things in 1,001 Days #2

Start Date: 16-JUN-2018
Finish Date: 13-MAR-2022

Note: I reserve the right to change, swap, combine, reduce or expand 
anything on this list at any time that I feel like it. I also reserve the 
right to not finish this list and not feel bad about it. 

1 read previous letter to myself & write about it & write new letter
2 finish KonMariing my house -- in progress
3 blog twice a week (on average)
4 celebrate my traditions properly
5 continue my Rune studies
6 create 5 outfits (Mori or other) and document them
7 create a bedroom sanctuary
8 keep a Morning Pages journal for 1 year
9 create a Mori wardrobe for Summer and Winter
10 create a pleasing garden -- in progress
11 create a found item divination system
12 create my Linktree
13 create room altars
14 decide on a style of dance and learn it
15 decide on something to collect and do it -- Yes! Teapots and tea tins!
16 design & create an embroidered item
17 DIY 6 beauty products
18 do 20 divinations (7/20)
19 do 6 art challenges -- in progress
20 do a Christmas in July & blog it
21 submit my conscript to Omniglot
22 do a Craftsy class
23 do a wellbeing course
24 do an Instagram TV art/craft video
25 meditate [12] times (1/12)
26 do Happy Mile: 1, 2, 3 and 4 mile (1/4)
27 do Reading Ulysses with Conner Habib book club course
28 do the Mori 30-day challenge & blog it
29 do Violet le Beaux's watercolour course -- in progress
30 do Violet's Witchcraft 30-day challenge & blog it
31 donate 12 books to the Little Library
32 experiment with working with the moon -- in progress
33 finish 10 current craft projects (3/10)
34 finish 2016 Hobonichi
35 finish 2017 Hobonichi
36 do The Sketchbook Project -- in progress
37 finish a blanket
38 finish duplicating/fixing my blog Phase 1   Phase 2
39 finish Konmariing my emails -- in progress
40 get a tattoo
41 set up the library properly
42 go to 15 art/craft exhibitions
43 go to 30 new restaurants
44 go to 5 art/craft classes (2/5)
45 go to the snow
46 go to/study in the library 5 times & write about it (2/5)
47 grow potatoes
48 hang all my art
49 have 15 computer-free days (6/15)
50 have 5 picnics
51 have a Harry Potter-themed feast
52 have threading done
53 hold an exhibition in NOIR's vitrine gallery
54 donate 101 items (36/101)
55 learn 5 songs on ocarina (1/5)
56 complete [3] writing challenges	
57 learn drop-spinning
58 learn modelling & selfie photography techniques
59 learn more about crystals
60 learn to use false eyelashes
61 learn to write in my own fekking conscript
62 make 12 new recipes from my cookbooks (3/12)
63 make 20 cocktails from my cocktails books (5/20)
64 make 5 bentos/kyaraben (3/5)
65 do NaNoWriMo at least once
66 make 6 craft kits
67 make a list of 20 things to do in Melbs and do 10
68 make book page poetry
69 make cheese
70 make Husband a meal or cake for his birthday every year (1/3)
71 do [10] exercise videos from youtube (15 minutes min.) (1/10)
72 publish my conscript on my blog
73 beat no. of goals completed in previous 101 (34)
74 read 8 biographies
     1. Dickens
     2. Marilyn
75 read 12 magazines and decide whether to keep them
76 read 5 from LibraryThing's Top 106 Unread Books
     1. Ulysses
     2. Emma
77 read A Christmas Carol every Christmas (2/3)
78 read the Tao Te Ching completely at least once a year
79 re-create my 3 favourite snacks at home
80 re-learn to drive
81 re-learn to spin & look after my wheel
82 complete [6] challenges on The StoryGraph (1/6)
83 re-read The Lord of the Rings
84 sell my zines through Sticky
85 set up a photography station & blog it
86 set up the hobby room properly
87 sew 5 garments (1/5)
88 spend a whole day painting/drawing
89 store/display my ocarinas
90 try 5 new art techniques
91 try 6 new hairstyles
92 walk every path in the botanic gardens
93 watch 50 new movies
94 watch 10 full TV shows/animes
95 write 100 haiku
96 write 3 zines
97 write 30 reviews on my blogs
     1. game: Furistas Cat Cafe
     2. con: Madfest
     3. movie: Outlaw King
     4. documentary: Catwalk: Tales from the Cat Show Circuit
     5. movie: Unicorn Store
     6. Tea: The Norns from The Forest Witch
     7. Book: Celestina's Burnings
     8. Book: Speak No Evil
     9. Book: Quarterstars Awakening
     10. Board Game: Tang Garden
     11. Book: Road Seven
98 write a "reverse bucket list"
99 write a suburban wheel of the year
100 yoga goals
101 write a new 101 list

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