Thursday 10 May 2007

Good and Evil

I had a day off today, all to myself! So I started two projects, both fairly short ones.

1. I haven't finished sewing up the first AIDS Baby Vest yet, but I started on a second one anyway, cause I had a colour idea:

I kind of have a mean hope that I can give the knitted-but-not-sewn-up vests to Boy's Mum and she can do that bit for me. I know it's for the babies, but I hate it so much and I always stuff it up! I'm a bad, bad person! *hangs head in shame*
(The new one's really cute though, no?)

2. After finishing the B-Scarf, I decided that fun-fur is evil and I have to get rid of it all! So I went through my whole stash and I found 4 balls of the damned stuff. I immediately cast on with the ugliest one - a burnt orange:

I thought a coathanger cover would be the quickest and easiest way of disposing of this distasteful defilement of my stash! I'm working it with two strands as well, so the ball will disappear even quicker. I can only work about 4 rows before I get thoroughly fed up with the stuff and work on something else for a bit. I forced myself to do a whole ten rows in one stint, though.

This is masochistic knitting at its best!

I'm calling it the G.R.O.A.N.S. (Get Rid Of All Nasty Stuff) Cover.

I've also had some ideas over the last few weeks:
* After getting the Jean Greenhowe book Bazaar Knits, I thought of making my own stuffed goodies. I like reading, so why not make knitted books? I like Melbourne, so why not a knitted Arts Centre spire? I even wanted to make knitted cars when I saw an ad for Top Gear. (Okay, that's going a bit far, I admit it.)
* I want to make a nice, snuggly cardigan with big, wrappy-aroundy bits on the front, and I found a really good one in the Paton's Zhivago Winter Wraps book:

[Picture from: Paton's Website]

I want to add sleeves to it; I don't think that would be too hard. I just keep umming and aahing over whether I can justify the purchase of yarn when I have this in my room:

This is where I keep my wool. (Darn it, perhaps I should have put the pretty ones at the front!) See the dangerously bulging bulges? This is where my stash lives, and once it was full, I was to buy no more wool. *snorts* A while back, it must have decided it needed a beach house on my bookshelf, a wing in my wardrobe, and a conservatory on the floor next to the door. I know that some people have whole rooms full of wool, but when you live in a 1-1/2 bedroom flat with 2 other people and a face-eating cat, you gotta draw the line somewhere! Unfortunately, my policy so far when I've seen drool-worthy but expensive wool is to buy 2 balls. (If it's on sale I might buy more.) 2 balls is enough to make a scarf. I'm sick of scarves! *sighs* So the stash just sits there, festering away, and occasionally burping out acrylic clones of itself.
* I can't remember the other ideas I had right now. I'll get back to you.

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