Wednesday, 9 February 2005

The Barely Competent Knitter

Oh dear. I just had a look at my Works In Progress [link defunct], and I have 4 projects which are almost done, and that I could finish very quickly if only I just got out a needle and sewed them up! I'm such a slacker!

Good news though: I've done 41 rows on my cardigan!! I'm up to the bit where you cast off a few stitches on each side for the sleeve holes. This means I have 6 less stitches to do on each row. Yay!
Er, well, I actually have 9 less to do - I somehow lost 3 on the way. A little disturbing!

Sunday, 6 February 2005

To Poncho or not to Poncho...

I'm thinking of starting a poncho. A really light, summery one, very tasteful. *snorts quietly*
No, really, something like this:

I just discovered Crochet Pattern Central, which has a lot of great options. Something open and lacy, maybe with a flower pattern, in a dark colour. It might be better in cotton. Hmm.

Wednesday, 2 February 2005

Craftin' & Cookin'

Wow! I've started working on my cardigan again! After at least 3 months of very little craft and no knitting whatsoever. I just felt like doing something with my hands.

I also made this pasta bake tonight which I'm very proud of:

[2 days later]
Even ze leftovers are bewdiful!