Tuesday 22 January 2019

Make Nine Challenge 2019

On Instagram there's a challenge among crafters called Make Nine. At the beginning of the year, you pledge to create 9 items in the course of the year. I have no idea why nine in particular, except perhaps that photos of them look good displayed in a grid format. Apparently it's been running for several years, but this is the first year I've heard of it. I decided to jump on board in the hopes that it'll motivate me to be more creative.

The challenge seems to have originated in the sewing community, as most of the pledges I've seen seem to be for that craft, with a few by knitters. Being multi-craftual (if that wasn't a word, it is now!) myself, I decided to mix it up a bit. I also left many of the slots deliberately vague, as I know my own tendency to get bored easily and I'll have no idea what I want to do in a years' time!

Here's my pledge (explanations below):

1. a skirt - to ease me back into sewing after many years away.
2. pants - I’ve been dreaming about making pants from this awesome lightning bolt pattern fabric, so that will be my second sewing project.
3. top - once I’m feeling more confident, I’d like to make a top, either this fabric or something else.
4. my blanket - finish my art blanket for my exhibition coming up in May. Despite having several blankets in progress, one of which I started nearly 20 years ago, it’ll also be the first blanket I’ve ever finished.
5. knitted project - probably just finishing off something I’ve had on the needles for a while
6. enviro-helper - something good for the environment. I have no idea what yet!
7. vintage-inspired - again, no idea what yet.
8. new craft - I did a screenprinting workshop last month, so I could put that knowledge to use. Or something else with fabric.
9. photography workshop - I want to learn more about photography and developing film.

Happy crafting, whether you've joined the challenge or not!


  1. I really like the idea of Make Nine and I can't wait to see your projects (I'm loving the category thing, I might do that, too, instead of assigning specific projects with patterns and everything)!

    1. Thanks! I haven't started anything yet, but time will tell. :)
