Wednesday 23 June 2004

Retro patterns

Yesterday I went to the State Library to check out some old knitting books and pamphlets. The ones from the 1970s were fantastic! Hoo! I laughed! (On the inside of course - it was a library after all!) The ones from around 1900 were quite amusing as well.

Apparently, at that time, it was okay to show photos of underwear, as long as they were upside down (as if hanging on the line, but pasted onto a plain black background), and/or folded up so you can't see what they are. Then, it's all good.

The best one I found was called Specialty Knitting Book: Ladies' Dressing Jackets and Underwear. It was from the 1940s, with lots of ladies lounging elegantly with cigarettes and doing their darndest to look like Marlene Deitrich. Many of the jackets were way too lacy and ribbon-bedecked to be of any practical interest, but the first one was really cool. It was a very simple cardigan, knitted in one piece from the back, over the top and down the front, like this:

The arms extend down into fingerless gloves, "for reading in bed, and invalids." It looks too nice just to wear in bed though. I was quite surprised. It struck me as really modern. The method of making it seems so simple. I read/copied out the whole pattern (it was only half a page) and I understand the whole process. This could be the way to go for me, making my first garment. I'm a bit excited, and a bit scared at the same time!

The only problem is, it uses 'Beehive Silversheen'. What on earth kind of wool is that?!
There are a few websites around with advice on making retro garments, so I'm sure I can work it out.

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