Saturday, 23 April 2011

A Simple Project

A little while back I decided that my new bathroom was a bit sparse. It needed something to decorate the window - some kind of curtain or bunting. (I'm completely obsessed with bunting at the moment.) I'm big on light though, and I didn't want to cut out any light coming into the bathroom. What I needed was something transparent to make the bunting out of. At my work we receive lots of reports that we need to take apart and scan. Many of them are spiral bound and they have clear plastic covers. Normally we just chuck them in the bin, but I've been hoarding them for an occasion just such as this!

A romantic view at sunset

How did I do it?

I took one of the sheets of plastic and drew lots of circles on it, then coloured it in with permanent markers. It took aaaaaages as I needed to let it dry after doing a small area, or it would smudge. (I ended up doing the colouring-in in between rounds of playing computer games!) Finally after a couple of weeks, it was all coloured in. I then measured the window, and cut enough rectangles to range across the window with gaps in between. I took a piece of ribbon I had lying around in the hobby room, and stapled the rectangles to it. I started in the middle and stapled rectangles alternately on each side until the ribbon was full. Then I tied a simple knot in each end to form a loop and hung it from the nails that keep the window-screen in place.

Here's a less artistic, but more detailed shot:

Yellow ribbon? It was really all I had.

I have plenty more sheets of plastic stashed away, and I'm wondering if I can whip up a lightshade for the hobby room. With a simpler pattern this time, I think. ;)

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