Saturday 2 May 2015

My April…

April this year has been like the old Aprils that I remember as a kid -- the memories that have made it my favourite month. I love the cold that settles into your bones early in the morning, that gives way to cool, clear hazy afternoons. There's enough rain to rejuvenate the plants in the garden, but not enough yet to dampen the spirits. At the start of the month, I made sure to spend time outside in the garden while I could, but now it's dark when I get home, and I have to wait until the weekend to go outside.

What I've been working on ...
I've been feeling a strong urge to write recently. It's strange because it's been such a long time since I did any writing except blogging, and the urge came on very suddenly just after I got home from my holiday. I've written stories, reflective pieces, reviews on all sorts of things ... expect to see lots of reviews on the blog soon!
Photos of writing are probably quite boring, so here's one of some mushrooms I found in my garden a few weeks ago. They had completely disappeared the next day.

What I've been dreaming of ...
A craft room of my own. We're making progress, bit by little bit. I'm trying to do one thing every day. Even if it's just something tiny, like hanging up one cardigan, or choosing one thing to donate to the op-shop. It might seem like something insignificantly small, but at least I can tell myself it's better than nothing at all.
A photo from Pinterest that shouldn't be to hard to aspire to in the early stages....

What I've been taking pictures of ...
This seems to be turning into a regular feature of my monthly update! I'm not taking quite as many pictures as I was last month, but I still have quite a few in reserve, so I may as well share some.

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