Saturday 30 December 2017

My Instagram "Best Nine" and Body Positivity

If you have an Instagram, there's a fun website that plucks your best nine photos of the year (well, the ones with the most likes, anyway!), and turns them into a collage. I'm fascinated by which of my photos was the most liked, not for vanity or marketing purposes, but more as an observer of social media.

It's most likely that the hashtags I choose for my posts have a huge influence on how many people see them and consequently 'like' them. I'm not interested in having more followers -- actually, the thought of having thousands of followers makes me quite anxious! It's nice to get 'likes' on my photos though, as it encourages me to keep on seeking out good photo opportunities and sharing them.

Before we get to my Best Nine, I want to say how surprised I was that the majority of my most-liked photos are of me. Only a couple of years ago, I would never EVER have posted a photo of myself anywhere on the internet! Instagram has really helped me become more confident and more positive about my body. It's often said that social media has a negative effect on people, and sometimes it does, but it can also provide inspiration and encouragement no matter how far apart people are physically.

I've always wanted to dress in style outfits but hardly ever feel motivated and confident enough to actually do it. Seeing that someone who looks like me can receive positive feedback online has been extremely encouraging. So next year, I want to learn techniques for taking better photos of myself, and less derpy poses!

Anyway, enough blathering! Here's my Best Nine collage for 2017, with notes below:

LEFT: I was just going to the shopping centre that day, nothing special. I thought I looked pretty cute, though. The layering is inspired by Mori Kei.
CENTRE: I had just finished a job interview and was on the way to the recruitment agency for the debrief when I came across this stunning Victorian architecture. (I got the job!)
RIGHT: A friend's birthday dinner. I was going for a sort-of librarian crossed with Mori Girl look. It was the just at the end of Winter.
LEFT: Some of my paintings. The two on the left were displayed in my first exhibition.
CENTRE: At a friend's birthday party / exhibition opening. This was my most outrageous outfit yet -- and the first time I'd ever pencilled my eyebrows! (Excuse the terrible case of fringe separation!)
RIGHT: Husband, friend and I, waiting for the G-Dragon concert to begin.
LEFT: Some of my merch from the PAX convention. I guess the #SailorMoon hashtag was what attracted people to this one?
CENTRE: My gluten-free bibimbap lunch. I remember this day because my Mum had to come to the city for an appointment and we had lunch beforehand. We very rarely get to spend time together so it was a lovely day.
RIGHT: My outfit for the G-Dragon concert. Not something I would normally wear, but I figured I may as well go for it. Concept: G-Dragon fan. I wanted to wear a beanie, and the most hardcore one I had was my Hufflepuff one!

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