Saturday 5 May 2007

Addendum: Yarn Diet

Oh, by the way, I've discovered a few things while lurking on the net in the last few days. The mag that I waxed lyrical about a few posts ago, Interweave Knits, apparently has a new editor and the latest issue is not-so-good. Hopefully it's just jitters and things will settle down.

I've also discovered an amazing new website that I heard about on the Lixie Knits It podcast - Etsy. It's a bit like Ebay, but you can only buy/sell handmade items. Everything from knitted hats to toilet roll covers to fudge to badges. I've already spent hours gazing at the most amazing handmade items and coveting them desperately. I've decided I need a new purse, a painting, a body scrub, about 5 bags, a toilet seat cover, and a car rubbish bag. I just need a car to go with it. I'm going to register tonight. *gasps* The only problem is, I'm having a lot of trouble finding sellers in Australia - the search engines are very unorthodox and require a lot of bandwidth. I'm persisting.
I'm also considering committing to:

The rules can be found here. Basically, some blogosphere members are committing to go on 'yarn diets' i.e. they buy so much wool that it's just getting out of hand and they want to knit up a significant amount of their stash before they buy more. Some even have declarations such as "I last bought yarn on 3rd/blah/2007." It's a cute idea, and it reflects how I'm feeling right now too. My wool shelf is stuffed so full that I need to push the bags in with my foot every time I want to slide the door across to get to my clothes! And it's spreading! It's like some kind insidious virus. But I'm afraid of the C-word. I don't want to commit to not buying any more wool, even for a specified period of time. What if I come across some great bargain that's irrestistable? I'd fall straight off the wagon. I just can't do it right now. I have enough trouble sticking to my limit of 12 projects sometimes. Ah well, I'll just be philosophical about it. If the stash is meant to grow, it's meant to grow.

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