Thursday 23 December 2010

[ Reverb10 : Day 14 : Appreciation ]

Day 14. What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year?

I took a deep breath before starting to write this piece. And that deep breath lasted for 6 days. I knew what I was going to write about the moment I read the prompt, so that wasn't the problem. I couldn't figure out how I was going to do justice to the subject. When you read what it is, you'll understand why. I waited until such time as I was alone and quiet, had nothing else to do for half an hour, and could write in a relaxed and thoughtful way. Being so close to Christmas, that never happened, so I let go of the breath and decided to write anyway.

The thing I appreciate most - this year and all the time - is my boyfriend. I don't want to sound sappy, but he really is the best thing in my life. I can't imagine what I'd do without him. He's my life partner, Romeo, flatmate, helpmate, handyman, computer help desk, chef, anti-depressant, personal shopper, fashion and interior design consultant, expert photography consultant, social activities co-ordinator, domestic worker, and occasionally child-care attendant.

You know how when you're first dating someone, the thought of them makes you smile? It's been almost five years, and that still happens. We live together now, and I look forward to seeing him every night after work. I'm proud of him. I love him.

I want to thank him for every cup of tea that magically appears in front of me. For fixing my computer and deciphering those error messages I don't understand. For all the times he's done the laundry. For turning on the TV for me. For comforting me when wake up in the middle of the night, or freak out about misplacing a prescription. For making our lunch most mornings. For carrying the heavy shopping and the bottom end of anything we have to carry down the stairs. For putting up with annoying situations. For getting up early to go and visit my relatives. For not complaining about my snoring. For his patience. For being the best thing in my life.

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